It is time to have a look at some hard
questions and begin to address some of the more important factors in
relation to our current situation as humanity
This has been and I imagine will
continue to be one of the hardest subjects I have taken upon to
investigate, and it has taken quite a while to get to a place where
things began to click. This blog is the “kickoff” to what will
likely be a long series of blogs addressing not only the various hard
questions that we often avoid asking, but will be directly taking on
ONE very specific question that I believe is vital for all of us to
begin asking and considering.
The question is this -
Let me provide some context before
exploring the other dimensions of this question.
Right now, we already have existing
technologies that can provide absolutely clean energy with zero
reliance on wasteful consumption or dangerous consequences to the
natural environment. This technology ALONE could set us on a course
to being free of all dependency on non renewable rare resources that
have been the backbone and foundation for so many wars and conflicts
throughout all of human history. It would enable us to sustain
ourselves and not only keep our existing infrastructure, but begin to
repurpose what is already established in ways that exponentially can
improve the lives of all human beings. And when I mention “this
technology”, I am not talking of only one device or one method. I
am talking about MANY technologies that achieve the same effect –
but will NOT be allowed to develop.
Right now, we already have the
technologies to turn human and animal waste product into renewable
sources of energy, or convert them into materials that can be
completely reused instead of left as “waste product”. This
technology ALONE could revolutionize the way we think of “waste”
and set us on a path of creating easily maintained waste processing
and recycling systems that can locally sustain entire communities.
Again, not just one single device or technology but SEVERAL – which
will not be allowed to develop.
Right now we can absolutely begin to
correct what have been commonly believed to be hereditary conditions
or genetic defects as well as prevent, cure, or in some cases
eliminate certain diseases or illnesses and create real preventive
health care systems that not only keep people healthy and vibrant,
but can begin to ENHANCE and further support the expression and
potential of living beings. Also, not speaking here of just one
method or science or school of thought, but MANY – none of which
will be allowed to develop.
Right now we have the necessary
understanding of the human's natural learning ability and the
conditions that lead to an effectively developed human that is
not only highly intelligent and effective with processing
information, but vastly more creative and expressive as well. Imagine
a world in which a person's natural learning ability were to be
supported and enhanced instead of stifled and repressed to a point of
total diminishment by the time a person reaches adult age. And yet,
this will of course never be allowed.
These statements are NOT meant to
provoke any thoughts of there being some “grand conspiracy” of
shadowy figures constantly and continuously suppressing these kinds
of revolutionary innovation. This is not about “They” doing
something to “Us”. Because the real heart of the hard question is
not why we haven't been allowed to develop such things, but rather
why we still accept a world system in which we apparently need
“permission” and what our collective responsibility is and how
this translates into our PERSONAL responsibility.
It is time to begin considering why so
many revolutionary innovations have become shuttered or blocked or in
some way kept from ever realizing the light of day, and here we have
got to start looking BEYOND pointing fingers at shadowy elites or
simply blaming our debt based monetary system and get to the nitty
gritty details where we begin to see that each one of us have a deep
responsibility to answer to in relation to how we ourselves are
propagating and CREATING the very mess we blame our institutions for.
Not a comfortable pill to swallow –
when we have to take things back to self responsibility. But swallow
we must if we ever intend realize our demands for a better world.
In the blogs to follow I will be
addressing the deeper levels of the “Hidden Charge” that we as
humanity have been paying into, and has been so deeply embedded into
our living that this dimension is often completely missed – to the
detriment of all.
Cool Share, Keep them coming
ReplyDeleteThanks Joe!